If You Can Dream It…

I recently posted about being a contributing author to The Box Under the Bed.  What an exciting experience this has been.  I am part of a private FB group where all the authors have been discussing the progress of the book, finalizing the cover design,  and looking at screenshots as the book is being formatted in paperback form.  Yes!!  And that is now available for you to order at Amazon!!

We have also been getting updates as the book has been climbing the charts of The Hot New Releases in our book category.  The last time I saw it we were at #7!!  How awesome is that?  That is why we are asking for pre-orders.  Amazon has all kinds of lists that are ranked by sales.  If we get to number one, then that means more exposure for us.

Dan, as always, has been talking about it on his blog.  I’ll be honest, after the first initial excitement kind of wore off, and the realization that I live the life of a busy mom, not an author yet, I was like, eh…it’s just my first story, in the midst of 20 others.  But then I read Dan’s post, and it got me fired up all over again.  He’s done this so many times, but yet he’s excited about this.  Here’s the part that got me. He encouraged his readers to pre-order the book, and put it like this….

Now, why do YOU want to do all this?

Well of course because you’re awesome.

Because you’re helpful.

 And also because I think we have seen collectively the dream starting to become a reality for folks on this blog.

That’s kinda magical.

What happens is, you come here to learn a little more about writing and

  • the next thing you know you make some friends
  • and then you enter a writing contest
  • and the next thing you know you’re being published.

 Whether as an independent author with some guidance from me, or through my network of friends in the traditional publishing market,


No less than three of the top winners of our first two Word Weaver Writing Contests have gone on to publish their books, partly because of the recognition, support and enthusiasm for their work that they received here, in our contests.

 Gang, that’s huge.


Oh, and another benefit of pre-ordering?  You receive a story from Dan Alatorre that is included ONLY in the pre-order Kindle version.

As we get closer to the October 1 release date, the excitement will continually build.  Plus, once I have the actual paperback in my hand, there’s no tellin’ what might happen!!  You may hear me all the way in your neck of the woods!! 😀


So  grab your copy today,

And be a part of making dreams come true.






11 thoughts on “If You Can Dream It…

  1. Reblogged this on Believing Sight Unseen – EDC Writing and commented:
    It’s said that authors are solitary beasts – well maybe – yet in the blogosphere twenty shared their imaginations their skills; the published and the yet to be, to make an idea real; an anthology of scary stories; it’s out there!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. As one of the twenty I’d like to say how much I like your style, the way you enthuse in such a measured, natural way. I don’t do FB, so not part of the author mingling, I do hope though we get to fill another box with stories; another time and genre. Eric

    Liked by 1 person

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