Three-Day Quote Challenge: Day 3

Day 3

You will always miss a loved one who is gone, but as time goes on,
you find yourself smiling more from the memories. 🙂


This quote is a good one for anything that comes to an end, so I saved it for my last day of the challenge.  Thanks again to Marje @ Kyrosmagica for the nomination for the Three-Day Quote challenge!!  This was fun.

Rules for Three-Day Quote Challenge

• Thank the blogger, who nominated you.

• Publish 3 quotes on 3 consecutive days in your blog. It can be your own, or from a book, movie or from anyone who inspires you.

• Nominate 3 more bloggers to carry on this endeavor.

Here are my nominees:

Carrie @ Northwoods Scrapbook

Sandra @ Diary of a stay-at-home mom

Helen @ I will Bloom



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