Three-Day Quote Challenge: Day 2

Day 2

Another classy lady.  Just the other day, I spent time with one of my friends, and we swapped stories of the changes we are experiencing as we grow older.  We laughed and rolled our eyes and accepted what is inevitable for women.   But I agree with the last part of the quote, that “The Beauty of a woman grows with the passing years.”  The beauty lies within our confidence, our wisdom, and our caring of our families.  As her and I shared stories of the decisions our young adult children are trying to make, I just said, “oh to have the knowledge we have now, with a 20 year old body.” lol 🙂   Age should not stop us, I find I am more physically active than I was when I was younger.  We can also still accomplish our dreams or embark on a new adventure.  A week after my friend turns 46, she will board a plane for the first time, for a missions trip in Uganda.  Passion…is beautiful.

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