Liebster Award!!

wpid-wp-1429333764248I have been nominated by the oh so talented Candice Coates for the Liebster Award.  Please stop by her blog when you get a chance, her fictional stories are just brilliant.  It has taken me a few days to properly accept this nomination as I was trying to find the perfect outfit for such a joyous occasion!!

Thank you Candice, I am honored to accept this nomination, and therefore I am following the strict guidelines for accepting such a prestigious wonderful award.

Once you are nominated, make a post thanking and linking the person who nominated you.

• Include the Liebster Award sticker in the post too.
• Nominate 7-10 (supposed to be 10) other bloggers who you feel are worthy of this award. Let them know they have  been nominated by commenting on one of their posts. You can also nominate the person who nominated you.
• Answer the ten questions asked to you by the person who nominated you
• Make ten questions of your own for your nominees.
• Lastly, COPY these rules in the post.

Here are my questions:

1. What do you find most fulfilling about blogging and writing/creating visual art?

What I find most fulfilling about blogging is being able to share all kinds of things with other people, whether it’s a story, a good book or a recipe that I have tried.  I also have enjoyed meeting so many wonderful, like-minded people.  

2. What genre do you tend to read most and why. (What medium do you prefer to create art with and why?)

I tend to read romance novels, because I’m just a frantic romantic at heart.  I also enjoy romantic suspense novels as well.

3. As a writer, what genre are you most afraid to attempt writing or just the least interested in and why? (Artist, which style of art or medium?)

Western and Historical Fiction.  Anything that goes back in a time I cannot relate to would be difficult for me.  Even though I love the concept of time travel, I could only go back so far.

4. What inspired you to become a blogger?

My 40th birthday.  I felt like I was getting old, fast, and always wanted to write, so I started a blog.  I realized that anyone could start a blog, so I said why not?  The mommy blogs and parenting blogs were popular then, and since I was a mom, I started one.  It was more so for myself, to just get writing, only a handful of people were probably actually reading it.  But over the past year I found different link-ups and that has encouraged me to write more.

5. Do you have a hidden talent? What is it?

It’s not very hidden when you witness it.  I can whistle really loud with my fingers, great for hailing a cab, sporting events, graduations, concerts, or rounding up all the neighborhood dogs in one central location.  😀

6. Do you have a routine you follow for writing/creating art? If so, what is it?

I usually do a lot of writing in my head for awhile either hours before or days before I sit down and type anything out.  I try to work out concepts, ideas, plot twists, conversations all in my head before I write anything down.  It’s hard for me to sit down at my laptop with a blank page and just start typing.  I don’t like to type and then backspace, type some more, backspace some more.  I like to have some things worked out first.  A lot of times I actually like to use a notebook and actually write out ideas in (*whispers loudly*) cursive.

7. If you could hold any profession, past, present, future or fictional, what would it be, and why?

The owner of a Bed and Breakfast.  As a mom, I’ve gotten pretty good at cooking and cleaning, and accommodating my family, why not get paid for it, lol.  I do like to make things comfortable for people, and I think it would be so interesting meeting people from various places.  Not to mention a great character study for my novel writing at night. 🙂

8. Do you have a favorite author/artist? Who are they and what is it about them that draws you to them?

I have so many!!  I’ll try to narrow it down.  I have always enjoyed Carla Negger’s Romantic Suspense novels.  I love the Irish influences in her writings, so much so I can hear the Irish accents from some of her characters.  Recently I came across two authors Tracey Brogan and Maria Murnane. Their books are so fun to read with some really likable characters, that literally make you laugh out loud.  I like the dry humor and sarcastic remarks of the main female characters in the books that I have read so far.

9. When did you finally decide to give your writing/art  the time and attention you have decided to give it now?

I have had my blog for awhile, but just recently I came across the blogbattle and joined in.  Doing the weekly blogbattle, when I can, is really the first time I have actually written fictional short stories.  I’ve enjoyed it so much, that I will probably be looking for other opportunities to write more fiction.  It has also helped me realize that my dream of writing at least one novel is not so unattainable, and these are the stepping stones to get there.

10. If you could live/vacation in any book or piece of art, which would it be?

Hands down I would LOVE to vacation in Nora Robert’s Inn Boonsboro Trilogy.  This is the Trilogy about the restoration of the Inn that Robert’s herself bought and restored.  It is located in Boonsboro, Maryland.

Great questions!!  That was fun!!  Now for my nominees.  I am only listing 7 since Candice already nominated a lot of the ones I enjoy so much. 🙂

I Came for the Soup
Pheonix Grey
Northwoods Scrapbook
I Will Bloom
So not organized
Diary of a Stay at Home
Writing Straight

Now for the ten questions for my nominees:

1. When you were a child, what did you want to grow up to be?  Have you fulfilled that dream?

2. Who was your favorite teacher and why?

3. Do you have any musical talents, and what are they?

4. What decade, that you have lived through, is your favorite and why?

5. When was the last time you really laughed and what was it that made you laugh?

6. Do you like or dislike surprises?  Why or why not?

7. What is your favorite holiday and why?

8. What is your proudest accomplishment?

9. Shuffle the songs on your iPod or Phone, which song comes up? Or what is your favorite song and why?

10. If you were a super-hero, what powers would you have and why?

Remember, all the nominees are free to accept or reject the nomination, I look forward to reading your answers if you do accept this nomination.  I enjoy reading each one of your blogs, and always look forward to your posts.  Thanks for allowing me a glimpse into a part of your world.

15 thoughts on “Liebster Award!!

  1. Congratulations on the award and thank you so much for the nomination. 🙂 I can’t eve do a quiet whistle with my fingers, so I’m quite jealous at your loud one!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m glad the BlogBattle has helped you out. It’s helped me too. I had no idea I could write a short story in 2-3 days. Like you, I like to think before I write, and so I usually take a long time, but the BlogBattle is showing me I can speed up the process.
    (pssst, I’m glad you still write in cursive 🙂 )

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You are really good at this. Your answers really made me feel like I know you more, and I have to say that I am SHOCKED to learn that you hadn’t really been writing fiction. Man, you are talented. Thank God you turned 40 and tapped into this former hidden talent. My reading life has improved because of it. 🙂 And your hidden talent, very practical. I like it. I have always wanted to whistle with my fingers, alas I can’t seem to do so. Oh, maybe one day, if the contest opens up again, there is a writing contest whereas the winner wins a bed a breakfast for writers. Real life stuff. Thanks for answering the questions AND for the nomination. I will piggy-back your Q&A with another set of questions I received today and post my results tomorrow. Cheers!

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